Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello fellow openBVEers',

im sad to announce the postponing of the MTM Xtrapolis 100 train, to study a bit more. I have a lot of
work to do on the 2d cab and exterior, so im going to postpone the release until.

Friday 25th.

Heres my progress to date

Acceleration Info. 50%

I am Currently using imitation engine sounds. :(

Now arriving metro sounds 70%

1. Now arriving, all passengers for the werribee lines please change trains at the next station. (DONE)
2 Metro now arrving. (Doing on thursday)
3. This train terminates at the next station, please make sure you have all your possessions with you when you leave the train. (Doing at final release)

I am going to the city on thursday with some equipment, to get some door closing sounds, and announcements, hope i can get on an xtrapolis or siemens, i think they use the same sounds.

Also, thanks to that nice (anonymous) train driver who let me in for some photos in flinders. :D



  1. Thanks for all your blog information.
    Google "OBTS Wikia" for more help with openbve programs and addons.

  2. All the latest OpenBveTrainSim programs and addons
